Nikesh Arora
President Europe
Born in India, Nikesh Arora was educated in Engineering at the Varanasi Technological Institute. With a Master of Science and an MBA from Northeastern University, both with distinction, Nikesh began academic activity in the area of management. As a member of Google’s Executive Committee, Nikesh is the Vice-President for Europe. Before entering Google he was Chief Marketing Officer and member of the board of T-Mobile. He founded T-Motion, a subsidiary of T-Mobile International for the multimedia sector. Preceding his collaboration with Deutsche Telekom, he was an analyst in Fidelity Investments in Boston. Google is the name of the company he created and is the largest search engine on the internet, Google Search. The service was created based on a doctorate project of the then students Larry Page and Sergey Brin of the University of Stanford in 1996. This project came about due to the frustration of its creators with the search engines of the time and its objective was to construct a more advanced and faster search engine with higher quality links. The name Google was chosen from the expression googol, which represents the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, to thus demonstrate the immensity of the Web. Google’s mission is to organise the digital information produced throughout the world and make it accessible to everyone. The company started up with an investment by “business angels”, which was followed by the entry of venture capital investors. In October it reached a market value of 100 billion dollars. It has 9,300 employees and sold 7 billion dollars in the first nine months of this year. One year ago the company announced a partnership with NASA to create an R&D centre in the Ames Research Centre of that North American space agency.