00:00 |Paris
00:00 | Lisbon

Globalization Council met on the 10 Novembe in Sintra. It was created under the President of Republic patronage within the scope of COTEC-Portugal.

About twenty leaders of global enterprises from twelve countries of Europe, Africa, North and South America, the Middle East and Asia, together with a similar number of representatives of Portuguese enterprises with global ambition, met to discuss the challenges of globalization.

"In a world of accelerated change in which economies are increasingly integrated and knowledge is the key factor of success, it is vital to reflect on ways to promote a form of globalisation that is open to all countries, that is, a plural globalization. This is the subject of the first meeting of the Globalization Council.

Globalization must be plural, it must facilitate group work, in a logic of interdependence and in a game of complementarities and fair competition, so that the winner of the process is mankind as a whole.

The challenge today is to "Think Global and Act Global". In other words, to supply global products and services designed by global talents, based on global knowledge for global markets".

Aníbal Cavaco Silva, President of Portuguese Repubic


Hotel Penha Longa
10 November 2006
See the Photos
10 November 2006
Globalization Council
Franz B. Humer
Franz B. Humer
Chairman and CEO
Roche Group
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Craig R. Barrett
Manuel Vicente
Sonangol Holding
Nikesh Arora
President Europe
Google Inc.
Saâd Bendidi
President and General Director