Craig R. Barrett
Craig Berrett was educated at the University of Stanford, where he gained a doctorate in the Science of Materials and began an academic career, with over 40 papers published. He also worked in the Danish Technical University, in Denmark and in the National Physical Laboratory, in the United Kingdom. He entered INTEL in 1974, being promoted to Vice-President in 1984, to Chief Operations Officer in 1993 and to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 1998. In May 2005 he became Chairman of the company. A charismatic character, he is a defender of education and technology as factors of development and was appointed as the first Chairman of the United Nations’ Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development. He is co-Chairman of the Business Coalition for Excellence in Education, President of the National Innovation Initiative Leadership Council, of the National Academy of Engineering, and a member of the National Forest Foundation. Founded in 1968, INTEL is the world leader in the manufacture of computer chips, employing 99,900 people throughout the world, half of whom are in the USA. It billed 38.8 billion USD in 2005, in which year it invested 5.1 billion USD in R&D, an activity which involves 29,000 employees. In 2005, it trained 800 thousand teachers (under the Teach for the Future program) and distinguished 1,400 young scientists from 45 countries. The “Intel World Ahead” initiative is prepared to invest 1 billion dollars in the next five years for “ICT for Development”, which includes the training of 10 million teachers and the offer of 100,000 computers to underprivileged communities.